Winter Fire Safety

Winter Fire Safety

Winter ushers in cooler temperatures that require a solution to stay toasty and warm in your property. While the world seems to slow down a bit to venture indoors, the blankets, mittens, and heaters come out. Unfortunately, winter also brings the potential for certain...
The Danger of Lightning

The Danger of Lightning

When warm weather arrives, most of us are subjected to interesting weather patterns and storms. Some of those can include dangerous lightning storms. While lightning storms can occur at any time, it is more common in warm, muggy, turbulent months, also known as...
How Dangerous is Mold in Your Home?

How Dangerous is Mold in Your Home?

Everyone wants the safest, healthiest home environment for their families. You would do anything to protect your loved ones from exposure to any substance that could cause them harm. One of those feared substances is “mold” and with what you have seen in the news in...
Carpet: It’s Just Good for You!

Carpet: It’s Just Good for You!

Everyone is concerned about better health. We shop for healthy foods. We take our vitamins. We visit our doctor on a regular basis. We drink filtered water. What we might not appreciate is the value of filtered air. How do you effectively filter the air in your home?...
Battling the Invasion of Particulates

Battling the Invasion of Particulates

Helpful hints for air duct cleaning! Most cleaning tasks are performed based on two criteria:   Schedule (such as vacuuming once per week), and Visual (when you see soil build-up on surfaces). When it comes to your air ducts, which handle air flow in your home from...
Power Cord Safety

Power Cord Safety

 We all need power. Especially of the electrical variety. Without it, nothing works. Your appliances that run on batteries might work for a little while, but without a charge, they die. Anything that is plugged into an outlet is worthless without that spark of energy...
Hidden Leaks

Hidden Leaks

When a pipe breaks, you know it. Water spewing everywhere, making all kinds of noise and a huge mess that leads to all kinds of expensive water damage. When a pipe leaks, that’s a different story as you may not discover it until expensive damage occurs. Under every...
Frozen… but not Broken

Frozen… but not Broken

Here are some things you can do when temperatures dip well below freezing… Most people, when they think of frozen pipes in their homes, automatically think of broken pipes, spewing a huge mess that soaks carpet, subfloors, walls and more… requiring the attention...
Mold Facts For Everyone

Mold Facts For Everyone

Mold is everywhere and is necessary for life. But too much of it — and especially if what is considered by many a harmful variety — can be hazardous to the health of many. Not everyone is sensitive to exposure to mold. Some people can be around it and have no side...
Tossing in the Towel

Tossing in the Towel

It happens all the time in a typical household. You grab a paper towel — or two, or three — to wipe up a mess when something is spilled. That’s what paper towels are for, right? But something else you might have experienced using paper towels is for polishing your...