Mold vs. Mildew: The Differences & How to Handle Both

Mold vs. Mildew: The Differences & How to Handle Both

Mold grows year-round. However, with the cold Winter air leaving and the warmer Spring and Summer months coming in, it can be a prime time for spore growth. Unless you are a trained mold removal professional, it can be difficult to distinguish between mold vs mildew....
How to Prevent Ice Dams & Protect Your Property

How to Prevent Ice Dams & Protect Your Property

Winter is well on its way, and while a little cold doesn’t scare us, it does have special considerations for your home. You want to have a warm place to cozy up, so protecting your property is of huge importance. Ice dams can result in major damages and hassle...
Where Does Mold Grow? Surprising Spots You Might Find Spores

Where Does Mold Grow? Surprising Spots You Might Find Spores

Mold spores are all around us. However, when we talk about mold, most property owners immediately think of a water loss. While water damage is a significant source of our mold removal calls, we find that most clients are unaware that mold can be found in some...
Your Complete Spring Maintenance Checklist

Your Complete Spring Maintenance Checklist

Get Your Property in Check This Season Spring has sprung! As the warmer weather is ushered in, it is the perfect time to take stock of your property. Doing so can help you catch potential issues early and avoid the need for any damage restoration services. FloodSERV...
How Dangerous is Mold in Your Home?

How Dangerous is Mold in Your Home?

Everyone wants the safest, healthiest home environment for their families. You would do anything to protect your loved ones from exposure to any substance that could cause them harm. One of those feared substances is “mold” and with what you have seen in the news in...